Liko • www.liko.com
Instruction Guide Multirall • 7EN125103-01
Assembly Instructions
• the directions of movement by the lift
coincide with symbols on the handcontrol;
• both the mechanical and the electrical emer-
gency lowering devices function as they should;
The Multirall rail systems must be assembled and installed according to the installation instructions provided by
Liko. Mount the carriage for Multirall in the rail system, then install and secure end-stops in the rail ends with the
bolts provided.
The rail system must always be tested with maximum load immediately after installation.
Multirall can be mounted to the carriage Quick-release Hook in two ways:
Mount Multirall by hooking the carriage Quick-release
Hook directly to the lift unit’s universal connector, then
connect the desired slingbar to the strap connector (see
User's Guide, p. 5).
The lift strap and lifting accessories are then suspended
under the lift unit.
2. When the lift strap has
been adjusted to the desi-
red length, connect the
strap to the carriage Quick-
release Hook and raise
the lift to the appropriate
1. Feed out the desired length
of lift strap. This is done by
applying tension to the strap
while feeding out the desired
length by pressing the button,
marked in the desired direction.
Caution: Operate the lift
only when tension is applied
to the lift strap!
• the battery charger and the indicator lights
• the batteries are charged.
After assembly, make sure that:
3. Connect the slingbar to the lift
(see User's Guide, p. 5).
Remove the Hang-Up Hand-
control Hanger when the lift unit is
installed according to the instruc-
tions above (see illustration).
Alt. B. With the strap below the lift unit.
This alternative is recommended in cases where the lift unit is to be installed in the same rail system over a
longer period of time.
Alt. A. With the strap above the lift unit.
This alternative is recommended in cases where the lift unit is to be moved frequently between different rail
systems, or when the lift is to be used for room-to-room transfers.
Multirall may not be equipped
with a Strap Gripper when the lift
unit is mounted with the lift strap
under the lift unit (see illustration,
above). This may result in the Strap
Gripper getting caught in the lift strap.