IF55 ROT CANopen®
6.8 Object dictionary
The most important part of a device profile is the Object Dictionary. The Object
Dictionary is essentially a grouping of objects accessible via the network in an
ordered, pre-defined fashion.
The user-related objects are grouped in three main areas: the Communication
Profile Area, the Manufacturer Specific Profile Area and the Standardised Device
Profile Area. The objects are all described in the EDS file.
Communication Profile Area
at indexes from 1000h to 1FFFh contains the
communication specific parameters for the CANopen network. These entries are
common to all devices. NMT services, PDO objects and SDO objects are described
in this section. The Communication Profile Area objects comply with the “CiA
Draft Standard Proposal 301 CANopen Application layer and communication
profile”. Refer to the “6.8.1 Communication Profile Area objects (DS 301)”
section on page 47.
Manufacturer Specific Profile Area
at indexes from 2000h to 5FFFh is
free to add manufacturer-specific functionality. Refer to the “6.8.2
Manufacturer Specific Profile Area objects” section on page 56.
Standardised Device Profile Area
at indexes from 6000h to 9FFFh
contains all data objects common to a class of devices that can be read or
written via the network. The device profiles may use entries from 6000h to
9FFFh to describe the device parameters and the device functionality. The
Standardised Device Profile Area objects comply with the “CiA Draft Standard
406 CANopen Device profile for encoders”. Refer to the “6.8.3 Device Profile
Area objects (DS 406)” section on page 61.
In the following pages the objects implemented are listed and described as
Index-subindex Object name
[data types, attribute]
Index and subindex are expressed in hexadecimal notation.
ro = read only access
rw = read and write access
Unsigned/Signed8 data type:
Process data bytes
byte 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
MAN IF55 ROT CB E 1.2.odt
6 - CANopen® interface (DS 406)
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