loop controllers supports also multi-channel devices.
CiA DS 406
The CANopen device profile for encoders defines the
communication of rotating as well as linear sensors.
CiA DSP 302
The draft standard proposal for programmable CANopen
devices includes CANopen manager functions, dynamic SDO
connections, standardized boot-up procedure for NMT Slaves
as well as program download.
CiA DSP 304
The CANopen safety protocol specification is approved by
German authorities and is compliant to SIL class 3
CiA DSP 305
The Layer Setting Services (LSS) specify how to set node-ID
and transmission rate via the CANopen network.
CiA DSP 306
This draft standard proposal defines format and content of
Electronic Data Sheets (EDS) to be used in configuration tools.
CiA DSP 308
The CANopen framework for maritime applications defines
redundancy of networks including swapping mechanism for
SDOs and PDOs.
CiA DSP 309
Set of gateway specifications for CANopen to Ethernet-based
networks (e.g. Modbus TCP(IP)).
CiA DSP 402
The CANopen device profile for drives and motion controllers
defines the interface to frequency inverters, servo controllers
as well as stepper motors.
CiA DSP 405
The CANopen device and interface profile for IEC 61131-3
compatible controllers is based on the CiA DSP 302
specification using network variables to be mapped into PDOs,
and function blocks for SDO services, etc.
CiA DSP 407
The CANopen application profile for passenger information
systems developed in cooperation with the German VDV
specifies interfaces for a range of devices including displays,
ticket printers, passenger counting units, main onboard
computer, etc.
CiA DSP 408
The CANopen device profile for hydraulic controllers and
proportional valves is compliant to the bus-independent
VDMA device profile.
CiA DSP 410
The CANopen device profile for inclinometer supports 16-bit
as well as 32-bit sensors.
CiA DSP 412
The CANopen device profiles for medical equipment specify
the interfaces for x-ray collimators, x-ray generators, stands
and tables.
CiA DSP 413
The CANopen interface profiles for in-vehicle truck gateways
specify gateways to ISO 11992, J1939, and other in-vehicle
networks. The CANopen network is mainly used for truck- or
trailer-based superstructures, e.g. as in garbage trucks, truck-
mounted cranes, and concrete mixers.
CiA DSP 414
The CANopen device profile for weaving machines specifies