the corresponding data frame identified by the very same
identifier. The remote frame's DLC has the value of the
corresponding data frame DLC. The data field of the remote
frame has a length of 0 byte.
Remote transmission
request (RTR)
Bit in the arbitration field indicating if the frame is a remote
frame (recessive value) or a data frame (dominant value).
Passive component that refreshes CAN bus signals. It is used
to increase the maximum number of nodes, or to achieve
longer networks (>1 km), or to implement tree or meshed
Reset application
This NMT command resets all objects in CANopen devices to
the default values or the permanently stored configured
Reset communication
This NMT command resets only the communication objects in
CANopen devices to the default values or the permanently
stored configured values.
The Receive Process Data Object (RPDO) is a communication
object that is received by a CANopen device.
SDO block transfer
SDO block transfer is a CANopen communication service for
increasing downloading. In SDO block transfer, the
confirmation is sent after the reception of a number of SDO
SDO Manager
The SDO Manager handles the dynamic establishment of SDO
connections. It resides on the very same node as the NMT
Segmented SDO
If objects longer than 4 bytes are transmitted by means of
SDO services, a segmented transfer is used. The number of
segments is theoretically not limited.
Server SDO
The Server SDO receives the SDO messages from the
corresponding SDO Client and responds to each SDO message
or to a block of SDO messages (SDO block transfer).
Service Data Object (SDO)
SDOs provide the access to entries in the CANopen Object
Dictionary. An SDO is made up of at least two CAN messages
with different identifiers. SDOs are always confirmed point-to-
point communication services.
SI unit
International system of units for physical values as specified in
ISO 1000:1983.
Stopped state
NMT state in which only NMT messages are performed and
under some conditions error control messages are transmitted.
8-bit sub-address to access the sub-objects of arrays and
Suspend transmission
CAN controllers in error passive mode have to wait additional
8 bit-times before the next data or remote frame may be
SYNC message
Dedicated CANopen message forcing the receiving nodes to