the interface for feeder sub-systems.
CiA DSP 415
The CANopen application profile for asphalt pavers specifies
interfaces to different devices used in road construction
CiA DSP 416
The CANopen application profile for building doors specifies
interfaces for locks, sensors, and other devices used in
electronically controlled building doors.
CiA DSP 417
The CANopen application profile for lift control specifies the
interfaces for car controller, door controller, call controller and
other controllers as well as for car units, door units, input
panels, and display units, etc.
CiA DSP 418
The CANopen device profile for battery modules specifies the
interface to communicate with battery chargers.
CiA DSP 419
The CANopen device profile for battery charger specifies the
interface to communicate with the battery module.
CiA DSP 420
The CANopen device profile family for extruder downstream
devices defines interfaces for puller, corrugator and saw
CiA DSP 421
The CANopen device profile for railways specifies interfaces to
sub-systems such as diesel engines, brake controllers, door
controllers, etc.
CiA DSP 422
The CANopen application profile for municipal vehicles defines
the communication of sub-systems used in garbage trucks.
CiA TR 308
This technical report specifies some timings for CANopen
performance testing tools.
Client / Server
In a Client/Server communication the Client initiates the
communication with the Server. It is always a point-to-point
Client SDO
The Client SDO initiates the SDO communication by means of
reading or writing to the Object Dictionary of the Server
The COB ID is the object specifying the CAN message identifier
and additional parameters such as valid/invalid and remote
frame support.
Communication object
A communication object is one or more CAN messages with a
specific functionality, e.g. PDO, SDO, Emergency, Time, or Error
Communication profile
A communication profile defines the content of
communication objects such as Emergency, Time, Sync,
Heartbeat, NMT, etc. in CANopen.
Configuration Manager
The Configuration Manager (CMT) provides mechanisms for
configuration of CANopen devices during boot-up.
Confirmed communication services require a bi-directional
communication, meaning that the receiving node sends a
confirmation that the message has been received successfully.