Ensure that the Store is in Pass Through mode, i.e. release manual and/or external control.
Output the desired scene from any DMX desk or controller.
Give the scene a number between 00 and 63 using the numeric buttons.
Hold the
button pressed. The display first shows Scn and then YES.
Release the
button. The scene is now stored under the number you chose.
A number of attributes are stored with each scene. These are explained under the section, SCENE
As described in the section CONFIGURATION, it is possible to program the Store to go to a default scene
when no DMX signal is received. This is scene 00. It may be loaded into memory in Pass Through mode
just like any other scene. It may be selected in Pass Through mode and then output in Manual Mode or
External Mode but it may not be accessed when in Manual Mode or External Mode.
Use the numeric buttons to select a scene between 00 and 63. The number of the selected scene is shown
in the display.
If you are in Pass Through mode, the chosen scene will be output when you go to Manual Control. If you
are in Manual Control, the chosen scene will be the next scene to be output after pressing the AUTO
button or using the slider. In External Control the chosen scene will be the next scene to be output after
the use of the STEP command.
When you set up a scene (see the section LOADING SCENES INTO THE STORE), it is given default fade
and hold times according to the selections made during configuration.
While in Pass Through Mode use the SCENE TYPE button :-
To change or edit fade and hold times.
To reset the scene back to default values.
To delete it.
To flag it as the first scene in a sequence.
To flag it as the last scene in a sequence.
Each press of the button will step you through the following list. Install the TYPE as indicated in the table
Abort any option by waiting for a time-out after five seconds or by pressing
FADE values are adjustable between 0-0.9 seconds and 1-99 seconds. HOLD is adjustable between 0-0.9
seconds, 1-59 seconds and 1-30 minutes.
The following table shows the available scene types.
LightProcessor DMX Tools, April 2003
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