3. AC Smart Menu
Installation/Owner's Manual
[Add], [Delete] and [Rename] buttons are located below the system tree.
Zone, group and unit list
There are two lists in the zone, group and unit list. The left list displays the list of zone, group and unit
registered by the selected unit from the system tree. On the other hand, the right list displays the list of
zone, group and unit not registered.
The cancel button (>) and register button (<) are located between the lists.
You can create new zone or group.
You can delete the zone or group.
You can rename the zone or group.
You can cancel the zone, group and unit currently registered to the
system to unregistered condition. But the zone, group and unit must
be designated in registered unit list. When the registration is
canceled, the applicable zone, group and unit will be displayed in the
'Unregistered unit'.
You can register the zone, group and unit currently not registered to
the system to registered condition. But the zone, group and unit must
be designated in unregistered unit list. When the registration is
executed, the applicable zone, group and unit will be displayed in the
'Registered unit'.
Reference: Zone and group setting method
For method of creating, deleting and changing the zone or group, refer to the ‘Setting’ section on
page 4-85.