Your Responsibilities
obtAininG WARRAnty SeRviCe
in the United states,
U.s. Territories and Canada
To obtain warranty service in the
United States, U.S. territories or
Canada, take your vehicle to an
authorized Lexus dealership. If your
vehicle cannot be driven, contact
your nearest Lexus dealership for
towing assistance. You do not have to
pay for towing to the nearest Lexus
dealership if your vehicle is inoperable
due to failure of a warranted part.
Outside the United states,
U.s. Territories and Canada
If you are using your vehicle outside
the United States, U.S. territories and
Canada and need warranty service,
contact a local Lexus dealership.
Please note, however, that your
vehicle may not be repaired free
of charge because the local Lexus
distributor may have no obligation
to provide warranty service for your
vehicle, and/or your vehicle may
not comply with local regulatory
or environmental requirements.
If your vehicle is inoperable or unsafe
to drive and there is no Lexus dealer
ship reasonably available to make
repairs, you may perform the repairs
yourself or have them performed by
another automotive service provider.
Lexus will reimburse you for any of the
repairs that are covered by warranty.
emerGeNCY rePAirs
Lexus recommends having
maintenance and repairs for your
GS 450h performed by an
authorized Lexus dealership.
To locate your nearest authorized
Lexus dealership, log on to
or contact
Lexus Customer Satisfaction
at (800) 2553987.
Maintenance and repairs not
performed by an authorized
Lexus dealership should be
performed by a qualified technician
following procedures in Lexus
service and repair publications.
Please refer to the important
safety precautions found on the
inside front cover of this booklet.