iF you neeD ASSiStAnCe
what types of disputes
are eligible?
NCDS resolves disputes involving
Lexus product reliability and warranty
performance that arise during the
greater of 1) four years or 50,000
miles from the vehicle’s inservice
date, whichever is earlier; or 2) the
appli cable provision of the Lexus
New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
However, NCDS will not arbitrate
1) claims involving a vehicle used
primarily for commercial purposes
unless the Lemon Laws of your state
cover vehicles used for commercial
purposes; or 2) claims that an air bag
failed to deploy or deployed when
it should not have; or 3) disputes
regarding fires and/or accidents
and/or theft. Since there are other
additional exclusions, please contact
NCDS for further information on
eligibility guidelines. You must file a
request for arbitration with NCDS
within six months of the expiration of
the eligibility period, provided the
concern or alleged defect was brought
to the attention of Lexus or one of its
dealers during the eligibility period.
How long is the
arbitration process?
The entire process — from the time
NCDS receives your request for
arbitration to the arbitrator’s decision —
is designed to take no more than
40 days. A decision may be delayed if:
You fail to provide certain
information required by NCDS.
You fail to make your vehicle
available for inspection by
NCDS in a timely manner
(if an inspection is required).
How do i request arbitration?
To initiate arbitration, you must
complete an NCDS customer claim
form and mail it to NCDS. A claim
form is included in the
Lemon Law
located in your vehicle, or
you may request a form by calling
NCDS at (866) 2724872. When
you call, please have ready your
vehicle identification number
(VIN), the names of your selling
and servicing dealerships, and the
current mileage on your Lexus.