menus (continued)
Administration (continued)
Print Reports (continued)
Print Directory 202
Print Fonts 202
Profiles List 201
Shortcut List 201
Copy 211
Back 215
Collate 212
Content 213
Copies 211
Copy From 211
Copy To 212
Darkness 213
Duplex 213
Margin Shift 214
Overlay 215
Paper Saver 214
Scale 213
Time Stamp 214
Manual e-mail address 219
Manual FTP address 220
Options 221
Back 222
Enter subject 222
Send Now 222
What will be scanned 221
What will be sent 222
Search for name 219
Send Now 220
View To
list 220
Fax 215
Back 218
Cancel Faxes 217
Content 218
Darkness 218
Fax It 217
Fax To 216
Options 218
Resolution 218
Save 218
Search 217
Width 218
Print/Profiles 223
Cancel Print Jobs 223
menus (continued)
Print/Profiles (continued)
Print Held Jobs 223
Profiles 223
numerical values 156
<std bin name> Full 234
200 Paper jam, remove Print Cartridge to
access 225
201 Paper jam, remove Print Cartridge to
access 225
202 Paper jam, open rear door to access 225
230 Paper jam, check duplex 225
250 Paper jam, check MP Feeder 225
290 Scanner jam, remove all originals from
the scanner Replace all originals if restarting
job 226
291 Scanner jam, remove all originals from
the scanner Replace all originals if restarting
job 226
292 Scanner jam, remove all originals from
the scanner Replace all originals if restarting
job 226
293 Scanner jam, replace all originals if
restarting job 226
31 Missing or defective Print Cartridge,
replace cartridge 226
32 Unsupported Print Cartridge, replace
cartridge 226
34 Short Paper 226
35 Insufficient memory to support resource
save feature 226
37 Insufficient memory for Flash Memory
Defragment operation 227
37 Insufficient memory to collate job 227
37 Insufficient memory, some Held Jobs may
be lost 227
38 Memory Full 227
39 Complex page, some data may not have
printed 227
41 Unsupported Firmware Card 227
50 PPDS Font Error 227
51 Defective flash detected 227
52 Not enough free space in flash memory for
resources 227
53 Unformatted flash detected 228
54 Standard Network Software Error 228