User Guide
Diffusion, Predelay, Rolloff and Dry Delay
DIFF (Diffusion) 0 - 99
DIFF controls the degree to which initial echo density increases over time. High settings of
DIFF result in high initial buildup of echo density; low settings cause low initial buildup. Echo
density is also affected by SIZE; smaller spaces will sound denser. To enhance percussion, use
high settings of DIFF. For clearer, more natural vocals, mixes, and music, use low or moderate
PDLY (Predelay) 0 - 99.9ms
PDLY adds an additional delay to the reflections and to the reverberation. This control may be
useful in a sound reinforcement situation, or for ambience effects. Both DDLY and PDLY have
4-sample (approximately 0.1msec) resolution.
ROLL (High Frequency Rolloff) 0.5- 21.2kHz
ROLL sets the frequency above which a 6 dB/octave low-pass filter attenuates the processed
signal. It attenuates both pre-echoes and reverberant sound. High frequencies are often rolled
off with this parameter, resulting in more natural sounding reverberation.
DDLY (Dry Delay)
0 - 99.9ms
DDLY provides a delay for the “dry” audio path.