Learning to Use NuVerb
Select a parameter
To select a parameter, position the pointer over a parameter box and click.
For this example, click and hold on “Out Mix”. A heavy black outline around the “Out Mix”
parameter box indicates that it is selected.
Change the value of a parameter
Click on a selected parameter to pop up a fader. Double click on any unselected parameter
to select it and open a fader.
Single click on the selected parameter, in this case, “Out Mix”. A fader will pop up. Position
the pointer over the head of the fader control fader adjustment with the mouse. (Click and drag
also works for fader manipulation — the fader disappears when you release the mouse.)
The parameter value changes as the fader is moved with the mouse. Once you have selected
a value, click once, or press
on the keyboard, to hide the fader.
Double click on a parameter box to
select it and to pop up a fader.
Use the mouse, or the keyboard
keys to move the fader and adjust the
parameter value.
while adjusting with the
keys on the keyboard gives you fine control
of certain parameters with large value ranges, such as delay time.