User Guide
Dual Delay Parameters
The Flanger
FLNGDLY (Flange Delay)
0-479 samples = 0- 20ms
FLNGDLY is a separate 20 ms ganged stereo delay line which is controllable in single sample
LPDLY, RPDLY (Left , Right Flange Base Delays 0-479 samples = 0-20ms
LPDLY and RPDLY are base delays which get summed with the stereo ganged flange
delay.These base delays are adjustable in single sample steps throughout a 20 millisecond
LFLG, RFLG (Left, Right Flange Gain)
-99% to +99%
LFLG and RFLG are flange gains which are adjustabe as a feed forward amplifier loop (+99%
positive value) or feedback amplifier loop (-99% negative value).
Delay and Feedback Controls
DLY1, DLY2 (Delay 1, Delay 2)
0-19996 samples = 0-2498.9ms
DLY1 and DLY2 set the delay values for the respective left to left and right to right feedback
FBK1, FBK2 (Feedback 1, Feedback 2)
-99% to +99%
FBK1 and FBK2 set the gain of feedback for each of the delay lines. Available values range from
-99% to +99% gain.
APD1, APD2 (All-pass L and R Delays) 0-19996 samples = 0-2498.9ms
APD1 and APD2 are diffusors in series with the feedback loops associated with DLY1 and
DLY2. Their controls range from 0 to 10 ms. These controls essentially “tune” the diffusor delay
APG1, APG2 (All-pass L and R Gain)
0 - 191
APG1 and APG2 are gains associated with the diffusors. You can think of them as controlling
the amount of diffusion for delay lines 1 and 2.