Table of Contents
1. Introducing Version 4.0
V. 4.0 Features ...................... 1-1
V. 4.0 Changes ...................... 1-1
2. Controlling the LXP series of
multi-effects processors
Advantages of MRC control ... 2-1
One-way and Two-way
Communications ................. 2-2
Overview of One-way
Features .......................... 2-5
Overview of Two-way
Features .......................... 2-6
Advanced Two-way
Configurations ................. 2-7
3. Controlling the LXP-15
One-way Connections ........... 3-1
Merging and One-way
Communication ............... 3-2
Establishing One-way
Communication ............... 3-3
One-way Control of
Multiple LXP-15s ............. 3-5
Two-way Connections ........... 3-6
Merging and Two-way
Communication ............... 3-6
Establishing Two-way
Communication ............... 3-8
Two-way Control of
Multiple LXP-15s ........... 3-10
Control Flow ......................... 3-11
LXP-15 Setups ..................... 3-12
Selecting an LXP-15
Setup ............................. 3-12
Communication Problems 3-13
Viewing and Editing LXP-15
Setup Parameters ....... 3-13
Using the
Keys .............................. 3-14
LXP-15 Display Pages ..... 3-14
MRC/LXP-15 Presets ....... 3-18
Storing Setups from
Machine Run Mode ....... 3-20
Editing LXP-15 Setups ..... 3-20
4. Controlling the LXP-5 with
Two-Way Communication
Two-way Connections ........... 4-1
Merging and Two-way
Communication ............... 4-1
Establishing Two-way
Communication ............... 4-3
Two-way Control of
Multiple LXP-5s ............... 4-5
Control Flow ........................... 4-6
LXP-5 Setups ......................... 4-7
Selecting an LXP-5
Setup ............................... 4-7
Communication Problems .. 4-8
Viewing and Editing LXP-5
Setup Parameters ......... 4-8