Lexicon MRC V4.0/ MIDI Remote Controller
Storing Setups from Machine Run Mode
You can store a setup in any one of the MRC’s sixteen internal setups, or in
any one of the LXP-15’s 128 user registers. Here’s how:
On the MRC, press STORE to enter Setup Store Mode.
Move slider 2 to select “MRC SETUP” or “LXP-15 RGSTR”
Use slider 1, the SETUP key or the keypad to select a setup number.
Valid numbers for MRC setups are 1–16. For LXP-15 registers, valid
numbers are 1–128. The display will blink if you enter an invalid number.
(Simply enter a valid setup number if this occurs.)
Press ENTER to store the setup and return to Machine Run Mode
Press MACH to exit Setup Store Mode and return to Machine Run Mode
without storing the setup.
Editing LXP-15 Setups
An LXP-15 setup also contains settings for the setup name and number,
algorithm name, LXP-15 Dynamic MIDI patches 1-4, as well as setup
parameter values. You can access and change these additional settings
from Setup Edit Mode.
Entering Setup Edit Mode
Setup Edit Mode is entered by pressing EDIT while in Machine Run Mode.
There are seven display pages in Setup Edit Mode. Pages are selected by
repeatedly pressing PAGE.
Storing Options When Exiting the Setup Edit Mode
Changes made to Setup Edit parameters don’t take effect, and are not
stored, until you exit Setup Edit Mode and return to Machine Run mode. You
have three options:
Cancel any changes made and revert to the previous settings
Transmit the changes to the LXP-15 and store them into the current
MRC Setup