Lexicon MRC V4.0/ MIDI Remote Controller
MRC/LXP-5 Presets
When shipped from the factory, MRC Version 4.0 has 10 setups loaded into
its internal memory. Six additional memory spaces are left blank. You may
want to use these setups as is, or modify them to your own taste. Be aware
that changes you make will overwrite the factory-loaded setups when you
perform a store operation. Brief descriptions of the 10 presets follow:
#1 DetunHall
This preset offers a combination of reverb with a slight pitch shift which gives
a smooth chorusing effect. Adjust the RLVL to suit your application. This
preset was originally written with a clean, compressed guitar in mind.
#2 MATdelay
Use MIDI Tempo to automatically set the coarse delay times for Delay 2 and
Delay 3.
#3 SloFlang
Slow Flange is intended to be used totally wet through a pre-fader send for
maximum effect.
#4 SlapDetn
This Pitch/Delay preset combines 155ms master delay with a slight pitch
shift down. A short, bright reverb is mixed 59% into the delay sound. This
preset works well on guitar or smooth background voices.
#5 ChorusUp
This is a Pitch/Delay preset which combines a moderate amount of feedback
(44%) with a 46ms delay line which is pitched up +2 fine steps. The whole
effect is then blended into a reverb module which is moderately sized. This
is a way cool, heavy effect.
#6 E/G Slap
This is a Delay/Reverb preset which uses a filtered (2.49k) delay line set to
90ms with a 22% feedback ratio.