Fine adjustment
DDLS 170/xxx.1-xxxx transmits a signal to the DDLS 170/xxx.2-xxxx and vice ver-
sa. The bar graph indicates the quality of the received signal. When adjusting the
DDLS 170/xxx.1-xxxx, observe the bar graph on the DDLS 170/xxx.2-xxxx.
The greater the distance between two DDLS 170, the weaker the receiving level.
As a result, the bar graph will not reach its maximum level as the distance is increa-
The maximum range which can be indicated by the bar graph is approx. 20 m.
Align DDLS 170/xxx.1-xxxx with the sprung screws (1) on the adjusting
bracket (8 mm open-end wrench) until the maximum number of LEDs for this
range light up on the bar graph.
Align DDLS 170/xxx.2-xxxx in the same way as DDLS 170/xxx.1-xxxx.
Fig. 23: Fine adjustment of DDLS 170
Alignment monitoring (functional reserve)
To monitor the aligned DDLS 170 with the aid of a PLC, use the output terminals 9
(with reserve) and 8 (without reserve), or test the LEDs on the unit (remote and clo-
se-up multifunction displays) at regular intervals (see Chapter 3.6, page 12).
Leuze electronic
DDLS 170