Field Message System (FMS)
Transmission of FMS Master to FMS Slave (e.g. CP 5412, PG 750, PC)
Decentralized periphery
Transmission from DP Master (e.g. CP 5412, IM 308B) to DP slave (e.g.
ET 200, IM 318M).
Suconet K
Order designation:
DDLS 170/120.1-1110 and DDLS 170/120.2-1110 (120 m)
DDLS 170/200.1-1110 and DDLS 170/200.2-1110 (200 m)
RS485 interface IM170-1000 (built into unit)
Transmission rate:
Succonet K, K1 and K2 with 187.5 kbit/s,
Suconet K with 375 kbit/s
Semi-duplex oper.:
Only serial transmission and reception of data
With the DDLS 170 the following protocols from Klöckner Möller can be transmitted:
Succonet K, K1 and K2
DDLS 170
Leuze electronic