Profibus, MPI, FMS, DP, mixed operation (FMS/DP)
Order designation:
DDLS 170/120.1-1110 and DDLS 170/120.2-1110 (120 m)
DDLS 170/200.1-1110 and DDLS 170/200.2-1110 (200 m)
Profibus interface IM170-1000 (built into unit)
Transmission rate:
9.6 kbit/s, 19.2 kbit/s, 38.4 kbit/s, 57.6 kbit/s, 93.75 kbit/s,
187.5 kbit/s, 375 kbit/s, 500 kbit/s (adjustable)
Semi-duplex oper.:
only serial transmission and reception of data possible
A high-performance, optical data transmission system is available with the
DDLS 170 with which the following Profibus protocols can be transmitted:
Multi Point Interface (187.5 kbit/s)
Field Message System (in accord. with DIN 19245 Parts 1,2)
Decentralized periphery (in accord. with DIN 19245 Part 3)
Mixed operation (in accordance with DIN 19245)
Performance features
All masters and/or slaves that meet the Profibus standard can be connected.
If the signal received by the data transmission unit receiver is inadequate, the
transmitted and received data are switched off.
In this way, undefined bus conditions occurring as the result of one-sided system
accesses are prevented.
Signal regeneration
Fig. 13: Direct series connection
Leuze electronic
DDLS 170