Configuration / device parameters
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
Send file
This feature has been implemented to permit several consecutive sequences to be transmitted to the
device. This requires the sequences to be created as a text file first. The text file can then be retrieved
under Terminal -> Send file.
For the scanner families BPS 8 and BPS 3x, the firmware may be changed directly with the BPS Config
uration Tool. This requires the respective firmware boot file, however. To obtain the file, please get in touch
with your respective contact person.
Graphical measurement value monitoring
This view allows the current position of the BPS system to be graphically displayed.
Setting the device-specific interface values
This sets the connection (interface) from the PC to the device and not the interface of the device. For
service interface operation, the settings here do not need to be edited.
If the connected device is not operated via the service protocol:
Use the left mouse button to select the device to be edited.
Right click and select Communication. In the Communication properties window that opens, carry out
the respective changes.
If the settings were changed, the Leuze standard parameters can be reselected by clicking on the
MA 8
01/MA 8-02 connection unit
The MA 8
01/MA 8-02 connection unit is not relevant for the configuration and is thus not explicitly
supported in the BPS Configuration Tool.
8.2.3 Setting the parameters
You now have commissioned the BPS 8 and are ready to configure it. Using the parameter options made
available by the BPS 8, you can configure the BPS 8 to suit your individual area of application. For instruc
tions regarding the various setting options, refer to the online help or to see chapter 8.5, see page 53.
The various parameter sets are explained briefly in see chapter 8.4, to understand what is happening
during parameter setting. The setting of the parameters then takes place in the service operating mode,
which is described in the following chapter.
Service operating mode
Setting the required parameters is carried out in the Service operating mode. The operating mode Service
provides the following defined operating parameters on the external RS232 interface, no matter how the
BPS 8 is configured for standard operation:
• Transmission rate: 9.6 kBit/s
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• Prefix: STX
• Postfix: CR, LF
8.3.1 Activate service interface
The service interface may be activated as follows:
• Via a "v" command during power-up (initialization phase).
• Via the SRV control bar code (see accompanying package insert) in front of the reading window dur
ing power-up (initialization phase)