Leuze electronic
OGS 600
EDS file
For the user, the object directory of the OGS 600 is available as an EDS file (Electronic Data
Download the EDS file for the device at
The EDS file contains all objects with index, sub-index, name, data type, default value,
minimum and maximum, and access privileges.
The EDS file describes the complete functionality of the OGS 600.
SDOs and PDOs
The data exchange in CANopen distinguishes between
service data objects (SDOs)
which are used for transmitting the service data (parameters) from and to the object direc-
tory, and
process data objects (PDOs)
, which are used to exchange the current process
By using SDOs, all entries of the object directory can be accessed. Within one SDO call, only
one object can be accessed at any one time. For this reason, a service data telegram must
have a protocol structure which describes the exact target address by means of index and
sub-index addressing. SDO telegrams place a part of the SDO addressing into the user data
area. Eventually, a user data area with a width of 4 bytes out of the possible 8 bytes of user
data remains for each SDO telegram.
The target address always responds to SDO transfers. In the following, the index and sub-
index address of the OGS 600 parameters and variables can be found in the individual
object descriptions.
PDOs are objects (data, variables and parameters) from the object directory compiled
(mapped) by the device manufacturer. A maximum of 8 bytes of user data from various
objects can be mapped into one PDO.
A PDO can be received and evaluated by each participant (node). The model is referred to
as the producer-consumer procedure.
Since there is no protocol structure in the telegram of a PDO, the participants in the network
for whom these data are intended must know how the user data in the data area of the PDO
are structured (which data are stored where in the user data area).
Download EDS file from the Internet!
Call up the Leuze home page:
Enter the type designation or part number of the device as the search term.
EDS file
can be found on the product page for the device under the