We unders tand that our res ponsibility doesn't end at selling you ou r
prod ucts. Under ou r Compan y policy as well the legislation passed b y
the Ministry o f Environmen t and Fores ts (MoE F), called E-waste
(Management) Rules, 2016, your de vice has been made to co mpl y and
conform to the respective regulation as listed below:
RoHS Compliance
The Produ ct is in confo rmity wi th the re quiremen t of Rules 16 of the
E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016. It does n ot contain followin g
hazardous elemen ts in a prop ortion highe r than the limits provide d
Maximum co ncentratio n value of 0.1% b y weigh t in hom ogenou s
materials fo r lead (P b), Mercury ( Hg), Hexa valent Chromium (Cr6+),
Polyb romina ted biphen yls (PBBs ), Polyb rominate ddiphen yls ethers
(PBDEs) and maximum concen trati on value of 0.01% by weight in
homogenous materials for Cadmium (Cd).
This pro duct and i ts acces sories fall under the E -waste (Management)