If the battery terminals are in contact with metal objects, it may
cause a fire.
Infor mation on t he consequences of impr oper handling, a ccidenta l
breakage dama ge a nd improper re cycling of the e nd of life
If this pro duct is impro perl y handled, bro ken or damaged o r carelessl y
recycled o r disp osed o ff in the fi re, can resul t in envi ron mental and data
security concerns, including the following:
Affect nea rly e very system in the human bod y and resul t in bi rth
defects, b rain, heart, live r, kidne y and skeletal s ystem damage.
They will also signifi cantly a ffect the ne rvous and rep rodu cti ve
systems of the human body;
When burne d, create cance r-produci ng di oxins which a re
released into the ai r we breathe; If thro wn in landfills, may leach
into groundwater affecting your local community;
In warm clima tes, the oxida tion o f mercury in the environmen t
can be accelera ted, leading to the creatio n of oxidi zed Hg atom s
that are kn own to be asso ciated wi th ozone depletion; an d
Impro per recycling addi tionally results in data security is sues, as
private electroni c information re mains on hard dri ve, if not
properly removed before disposal.