Myth - Nob od y is inves tigating the health e ffects of RF
Fact - The Wo rld Health Organi zation, many national &
internatio nal organiza tions and indepen dent expert
grou ps are coo rdinatin g to inves tigate health e ffects of
RF radiation.
SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)
Your devi ce confo rms to the Indian guidelines for expos ure to radi o
waves. The limits are given in te rms of a uni t referred to as the Specifi c
Absorp tion Rate (SAR), which is a measure of the amou nt o f radi o
frequen cy ene rgy abso rbed by the bo dy when usin g a mobile p hone.
The SAR value as per the In dian guidelines standa rd is 1.6 Watts per kg
(Watt/kg), averaged o ver a 6 minutes pe riod and taken o ver a volu me
containing a mass of 1 g ram o f hu man tis sue. The highes t SAR value o f
this device when tested is 1.35 W/Kg.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.................................................................... 1
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................... 3
E BOX? ...................................................................... 5
1. UNDERSTANDING YOUR DEVICE.......................................... 5
1.1 GENERAL INFO ............................................................................ 5