To obtain a quality dried product, you must first ensure that the produce to be dried is of the
highest quality available, both fresh, and fully ripe. Inferior or spoiled produce will produce a poor
dried product. Unripe fruits will lack the necessary sugar content, and can have a bitter taste when
dried, whereas over ripened fruits and vegetables will dry to become either tough and fibrous, or
soft and mushy.
• Wash food products before putting them in the appliance. Do not put wet food products into
appliance, rub them dry.
• Do not use the appliance sections if they are wet or have water in them, they need to be dry
• Slice off the spoiled parts of food products. Slice the products in such a way to situate them freely
between the sections. The duration of drying products depends on the thickness of pieces into which
they are.
* Tree ripened fruit will contain the most natural sugars and will produce the best dried product.
* Some of the fruit may be covered by its natural protective layer and that is why the duration of
drying may increase. To avoid this, it is better to boil products for about 1-2 minutes and then put
them in some cold water and dry them before adding to the appliance.
* Wash the fruit.
* Artificially waxed fruit should always be peeled. Peel other fruit if desired.
* Take out the pit/seed/core and slice off the spoiled parts.
* Slice into pieces which you can place freely between the sections.
* Some fruit can be pre-treated for best results to prevent discoloration, see the pre-treating
* Vegetables should be fresh and tender.
* Wash the vegetables.
* Peel vegetables if required.
* Take out the pit/seed/core and slice off the spoiled parts.
* Slice into pieces which you can place freely between the sections.
* It is better to boil vegetables for about 1-5 minutes and then put them in some cold water and dry
them before adding to the appliance. This is to destroy enzymes which produce bad flavours during
the dehydration process.
* It is recommended to dry new leaves or stem cuttings.
* After drying it is better to put medicinal plants in paper bags or glass jars and store in a dark dry