| MLF-101
© 2020 Lemco. All rights reserved.
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7. Warranty Claims
Claims under warranty must be reported and returned to Lemco within 30 days from the date of detection and
need to specify at least the following information via the RMA procedure that can be found at www.lemco.gr
(additional information may be requested):
Details of the defective Products; and for System warranty also details of other used components.
Installation date, invoice date.
Detailed problem description, number and %, date and code of defects.
Equipment operating hours.
Photos (and videos if possible) of defective product.
Lemco does not bear any responsibility for the transportation of the products to its premises and/or back to
customer’s premises. Customer shall be solely responsible to ensure a safe transportation of its products at Lemco’s
After the product is received, Lemco Service Department will examine whether the product is covered by warranty
and will notify customer respectively. Lemco undertakes all best-efforts obligation to inform customer within
twenty-four [24] hours after the product has been delivered to Lemco.
If the product is covered by warranty, Lemco will repair or replace it and send it back to customer within 15 working
days from receiving the product (depending on product’s overall condition) at no repair costs to customer.
Lemco can charge Client for returned Products that are not found to be defective or non-conforming, in addition
to shipping- test-, and handling costs associated therewith.
8. Competent Courts – Jurisdiction
The present warranty terms are construed in accordance to Greek law and the Courts of Athens shall have exclusive
jurisdiction for any dispute arising out of or in connection with the present warranty terms.
Lemco reserves the right to refuse to provide any Warranty services if it would result in a breach of applicable laws.
This document contains preliminary information about a product of Lemco company. Lemco reserves the right to
make any changes or modifications at any time without prior notice.