| MLF-101
© 2020 Lemco. All rights reserved.
4.2.8 - “RF Output” page
At the “RF Output” page (Figure No 11) the user is able to setup the RF output settings of the device.
For each modulator in DVB-T mode the user is able to setup the following parameters:
Channel – The output channel for the first modulator*
Frequency – The output frequency of the first modulator*
Constellation – The constellation of the first modulator*
Code Rate – The coder rate of the first modulator*
Guard Interval - The guard interval of the first modulator*
Channel Bandwidth – The channel bandwidth of the first modulator*
Modulation – The modulation type of the first modulator*
Enable/Disable – Enable or disable the current modulator
Output level – Adjust the output level for each modulator from 70-90dΒμV.
* All the four outputs of the MLF-101 operate in adjacent RF output channels. This means that the user setups
only the first modulator and all the other three modulators have the same settings and automatically are being
programmed in adjacent channels.
E.g. If the user sets the CH21 in UHF band on modulator No1 the other three modulators will be automatically set
to CH22, CH23 and CH24, respectively.
Figure No 11