| MLF-101
© 2020 Lemco. All rights reserved.
4.2.10 - “NIT” page
At this section (Figure 14), the user is able to create custom NIT table for each of the four outputs of the device.
Moreover, this section offers the ability to export / import a NIT table.
For more information on how to create a custom NIT table please refer to “Lemco NIT creation guidelines.pdf”
document in Lemco’s website.
4.2.11 - “SDT” page
At this section (Figure 15), the user is able to create custom SDT table for each of the four outputs of the device.
Moreover, this section offers the ability to export / import a SDT table.
For more information on how to create a custom SDT table please refer to “Lemco SDT creation guidelines.pdf”
document in Lemco’s website.
Figure No 14
Figure No 15