GS10/GS15, User Interface
• rover mode: No action.
Press and hold button for 5 s.
If the GS10/GS15 is in:
• base mode: No action.
• rover mode and configured for a dial-up or Ntrip connec-
tion: The RTK rover LED flashes green for 2 s. The
GS10/GS15 will connect to the RTK base station or the
Ntrip server configured.
• rover mode and not configured for a dial-up or Ntrip
connection: No action.
Press and hold buttons for 1 s.
The current almanacs stored on the GNSS instrument are
deleted and new almanacs are downloaded. The Position
LED flashes red quickly three times.
Press and hold buttons for 5 s.
The Memory LED flashes red quickly three times. The SD card
of the GNSS instrument is formatted. The Memory LED
continues to flash red as the SD card is formatted.
Press and hold buttons for 10 s.
The System RAM on the GNSS instrument is formatted.
Settings of all installed software will be deleted. All LEDs
(except Battery LED and Bluetooth LED) flash red quickly
three times. After the formatting the System RAM, the GNSS
instrument is turned off.
Press and hold buttons for 15 s.
The registry of the GNSS instrument is deleted. Windows CE
and communication settings will be reset to factory
defaults. All LEDs (except Battery LED and Bluetooth LED)
flash red quickly three times. After deleting the registry, the
GNSS instrument is turned off.