The description of the found code is displayed.
Store code as data block.
Attribute display; attribute values can be changed
as desired.
Except with fixed assigned status in the code
list manager:
• "fix“
Value is write protected.
• "mandatory" Input or confirmation required.
• "normal“
Value is editable as desired.
Manual code entry, as if no codelist was loaded.
Quick Code
Quick Code enables entering two 2 digit to trigger a
measurement und to directly save the assigned
code. Quick-Code is available in most measure-
ment displays and is usually shown in the lower
right with QC. The cursor can be placed on the soft
key QC. Press ENTER to determine if a codelist
with Quick-Code numbers is loaded in the insru-
ment or if the codelist is empty. The corresponding
message is then displayed for a brief period.
The entry of Quick-Code digits in a measurement
display activates QC, as soon as the cursor is pla-
ced on a soft key of the current display. After the
two desired Quick-Code digits are entered, a mea-
surement is triggerred, saved and the assigned
code is saved. The code is saved before or after the
measurement, depending on the settings.
The codelist consists of a maximum of 200 codes
and can be created in Leica Geo Office with the
Codelist manager or entered directly into the instru-
ment in reduced form. Whether using the Codelist
manager or entering the Codelist directly into the