Sentinel Plus Press Brake Guarding System Operation Manual
Page 23
Original Language Version: 1.04
Released: 19/07/2017
A tool alignment is performed, and the receiver will prompt the operator with directions that
will move the receiver into the optimum position. After the tool change, the mute point is
then set and confirmed by the operator on the first stroke.
Closed Loop Design
The closed loop design enables monitoring of the stopping distance (overrun) of the
pressing beam every time it stops. If the stopping distance limit is exceeded, an emergency
stop signal is issued and the machine is shut down.
The speed of the pressing beam is also continuously monitored during normal operation. If
safe speed is required (for example if the sensors are muted), but the pressing beam is
moving down beyond safe speed, an emergency stop condition is triggered. The operator
will be prompted to clear the error by pressing the error reset button;
Over speed error
Only exceeding safe speed triggers an emergency stop condition. If any other
speed is exceeded (i.e. pressing speed) the pressing beam will be halted, and the
operator will be prompted to clear the error, however this can be done via the foot
pedal. The panel will display the message
Over speed error
The system also monitors the machine process for failures of hydraulic valves, failures of
electrical components, and failures in the machine controller software in relation to the
actions of the parts of the machine that pose risk to the operator.