Sentinel Plus Press Brake Guarding System Operation Manual
Page 36
Original Language Version: 1.04
Released: 19/07/2017
System Operation
This section describes the operation of the Sentinel Plus Press Brake Guarding System
from power up.
When the Sentinel Plus is first powered it displays a start-up screen with the message
while it waits for the PGS-3 to complete its power on
start-up test. Once the PGS-3 is initialised, the screen will change to the standard Idle
screen as shown in
Figure 6-1
. Whenever the machine is idle for more than five minutes, it
will return to the Idle screen.
Press foot pedal or any button to continue
Figure 6-1: Sentinel Plus Idle Screen
The LZS-005-R optical guarding system performs a self test and initialises its optical
system. When the optical protection is has completed its power up tests, the green Tool
Align Indicator LED will light on the receiver.
Figure 6-2: Tool Align Indicator
When Special Tools mode or Thermal Compensation mode have been selected,
the operator is required to acknowledge the non-standard guard mode by
manually performing a tool align at power up.
Start-up Test
By default the Sentinel Plus system starts with an emergency stop active, which must be
cleared by the operator before the Enable and Auxiliary outputs are activated. Pressing the
Reset button clears the emergency stop condition, and activates the outputs allowing the
tools to close.