PIN code entry
To enter the PIN code follow the sys-
tem instructions and pronounce the
digits of the number one at a time:
e.g. 0539 is “zero five three nine”.
The system allows three unsuccess-
ful PIN code entries, then it stops the
entry procedure; the code can how-
ever be corrected while entering.
The voice prompts used by the sys-
tem for PIN code entry are the fol-
Used voice prompts
Please enter your PIN!
…and then?
Please enter your PIN in single digits,
for example one two three four
Please add more digits, or modify the
number with “Delete digits”,
or confirm with “Right”
This Pin is not valid!
Action to take
Say PIN code digits one at a time after
the beep
Enter the other PIN code digits
Say PIN code digits one at a time
Complete PIN code entry
The PIN code entered and confirmed is not
Pin code entry aborted
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