Vega Customer Applications Manual
Section 3 - Analogue Secondary options
Rev. A3: October 2003
Page 17 of 48
Remote Sense option “R” (Twin output only)
(All single, one and a half and dual slot single output modules have remote sense provided as standard, remote sense
is also provided with “N” option fitted to twin output modules)
The “R” option is a factory fitted board that can be specified for twin (2 output) modules only. It enables remote
sensing at the load. For twin output modules the “R” option is required to achieve remote sensing.
There is one 2 pin connector for each output. The connector for that output is directly adjacent to the faston output
terminals for that output.
When connecting the remote sense leads to the load, always use cables twisted together at approx 1 twist per
centimetre. This will minimise noise pickup.
Application note "Power Connection" has more detailed information on the recommended way to connect Vega to
function with remote sense
Pin No
+ve sense
-ve sense
Mating connector information:
Note: housing and pins supplied with
each power supply.
Housing: Molex 50-37-5023
Crimp pin: Molex 08-70-1039
Hand Crimp Tool: 11-26-0167
Or 11-01-0194(Europe or USA)