Vega Customer Applications Manual
Section 11 - Wide Range Programmable Modules
Rev. A3: October 2003
Page 47 of 48
Inhibit. Enable.
Figure 4.
General Installation
All switch mode power supplies can be sensitive to stray inductance in the power leads and specifically in remote
sense leads if installed poorly. Poor transient response or high noise pickup and also intermittent tripping of Over-
voltage protection are possible problems. Observing a few simple installation rules will ensure a trouble free function: -
When connecting Vega by means of a cable harness, run the remote sense as a twisted pair and power output cables
as a twisted pair where possible. Keep cable runs as short as possible.
When connecting Vega to the load by means of a PCB back plane, run the power tracks "back to back" on the PCB to
minimise the projected area of the loop connecting the positive and negative outputs. Run the remote sense and
power connections as separate pairs, avoiding close parallel runs and only coming together at the load.
The load should be de-coupled with 10uF of capacitance per Amp of load current. The greater the
amount of de-coupling, the better the transient response of the system will be. (NB Max
recommended de-coupling is 1000uF/Amp).
Remote Sense
All single output Vega modules are provided with remote sense connector as standard. The Molex connector viewed
from the back of the power supply is:-
Figure 5.
Remote sense can be used to compensate for the drop in voltage along the load cables or for the drop in voltage
across blocking diodes. The voltage at the output terminals will be higher than that at the load by an amount equal to
+Ve Sense
-Ve Sense
0 – 0.8V
2 – 5V
0 – 0.8V
2 – 5V
Mating connector information:
Note: housing and pins supplied with each
power supply.
Housing: Molex 50-37-5023
Crimp pin: Molex 08-70-1039
Hand Crimp Tool: 69008-0959 (Europe or
Japan) Or 11-01-0204(USA)