Temperature Compensation Settings
Temperature Compensation is a standard feature of the TPSD2 charger. Temperature Compensation adjusts the
output voltage of the charger based on the temperature at the probe. To enable Temperature Compensation,
select “Temp. Comp.” in the Advanced Settings menu. Temperature Compensation is adjustable between 0.001
to 0.005 volts/cell/°C.
Ex: The output of a 60L charger with Temperature Compensation set to 0.002V/Cell/°C
would decrease by 0.12V for every 1°C increase in temperature.
Ground Detection Alarm Enable
This setting allows the user to select whether the Ground Detection alarm be enabled or disabled.
Communications Settings
The communication settings menu changes depending on the type of communication protocol used in the charger.
For details on connection instructions as well as operation instructions, refer to the SCADA Interface instruction
manual included with the charger.
Chargers with DNP 3.0 Communication Protocol (Option 21P)
Default Setting (Selection)
DNP Node Address
DNP Port Type
RS485 (RS485, RS232)
DNP Parity Type
None (None, ODD, EVEN)
DNP Baud Rate
9600 (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)
DNP IP Address
DNP Subnet Mask
DNP Gateway
DNP TCP Port Number
Read Only Mode
No (No, Yes)
Chargers with MODBUS (Option 21Q)
Default Setting (Selection)
Modbus Type
TCP (TCP, Serial)
Modbus Address
1 (1 – 247)
Modbus Baud Rate
9600 (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)
Setting available only if Modbus Type is set to Serial)
Modbus Parity Type
None (None, ODD, EVEN)
Setting available only if Modbus Type is set to Serial
Read Only Mode
No (No, Yes)
For TCP settings, see SCADA Interface instruction manual included with the charger.
Chargers with MODBUS RTU (Option 21S)
Default setting (Selection)
Modbus Type
Serial Only
Modbus Address
1 (1 – 247)
Modbus Baud Rate
9600 (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)
Modbus Parity Type
None (None, ODD, EVEN)
Read Only Mode
No (No, Yes)