Laird WB45NBT
Reference Guide
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In addition, this configuration is not able to renew DHCP on a roam without software using SDK Events to alert the
host device to trigger DHCP on a roam. This is only an issue for networks configured with multiple subnets on the
same SSID (determine if your customers do this).
See Single Host Device with DHCP running on the WB for NAT Configuration to solve this issue.
Use Case 1 Example
Use Case 2
A single host device with a static IP for Wi-Fi on the host device’s Ethernet or USB interface to the WB
The IP address that is used on the Wi-Fi network is statically assigned by the host device. This is often the case when using
the WB as an Ethernet to Wi-Fi dongle on an existing product where the Ethernet was set up to use static IP addresses.
Solution: Bridging
The WB acts as a transparent bridge between the Ethernet or USB Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
It should send a ping packet or other IP packet from the host device’s interface to the WB using static IP
address to register host device with WB’s bridge code. Otherwise the bridge may not forward incoming
Wi-Fi packets to the host device.
Use Case 2 Example
Use Case 3
A single host device with DHCP running on the WB’s Wi-Fi interface
A single device is connected to the Ethernet, USB Ethernet, or PPP serial; a DHCP client is running on the WB to handle the
Wi-Fi DHCP assignment.
Solution: NAT
The WB does IP NAT and port masquerading to forward traffic from the Wi-Fi to host device. Host device
interface to the WB along with the corresponding WB interface should be assigned a non-routable
169.254.x.x IP address. The WB does a DHCP request on roam to support networks configured with
multiple subnets on the same SSID (determine if your customers do this).
Use Case 3 Example
Use Case 4
A single host device with a static IP on the WB’s Wi-Fi interface
Solution: NAT
The WB does IP NAT and port masquerading to forward traffic from Wi-Fi to the host device. The host
device interfaces to the WB, along with the corresponding WB interface, should be assigned a non-
routable 169.254.x.x IP address.
Use Case 4 Example
Use Case 5
Multiple host devices connected via Ethernet with DHCP running on the WB’s Wi-Fi interface
Solution: NAT
The WB does IP NAT and port masquerading to forward traffic from the Wi-Fi to each host device. Host
device interfaces to the WB along with the corresponding WB interface should be assigned non-routable
169.254.x.x IP addresses. The WB does a DHCP request on roam to support networks configured with
multiple subnets on the same SSID (determine if your customers do this).
Use Case 5 Example