AC4490 User Guide
Version 4.5
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Disable Sync-to-Channel
The OEM Host issues this command to disable Sync-to-Channel mode. See
for more
Note: This command is valid only for servers.
Command: <0xCC> <0x85>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: <0xCC> <Channel>
Parameter Range: <Channel> = RF Channel currently being used
Deep Sleep Mode
The OEM Host issues this command to put the transceiver into Deep Sleep mode. Once in Deep Sleep mode,
the transceiver disables all RF communications and will not respond to any further commands until being
reset or power-cycled.
Note: This command is valid for both servers and clients.
Command: <0xCC> <0x86>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: <0xCC> <Channel>
Parameter Range: <Channel> = RF Channel currently being used
Read Temperature
The OEM Host issues this command to read the onboard temperature sensor. The transceiver reports the
temperature in
C where 0x00 - 0x50 corresponds to 0 - 80
C and 0xD8 - 0x00 corresponds to - 40 - 0
Command: <0xCC> <0xA4>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: <0xCC> <Temp>
Parameter Range: <Temp> = Temperature of module
Read Temperature at Last Calibration
The OEM Host issues this command to read the temperature of the radio at the time of its last calibration.
The transceiver reports the temperature in
C where 0x00 - 0x80 corresponds to 0 - 80
C and where 0xD8 -
0x00 is the two’s complement representation corresponding to -40 - 0
Note: 0xD8 is a twos complement representation of -40 – 0.
Command: <0xCC> <0xA5>
Number of Bytes Returned: 2
Response: <0xCC> <Temp>
Parameter Range: <Temp> = Temperature at last calibration