AC4490 User Guide
Version 4.5
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The API feature set of the AC4490 provides powerful, dynamic packet routing capabilities to the OEM host.
The number of API configurations is endless since individual radios can all be configured differently to suit the
OEM host’s varying needs. Two of the most common implementations are described in the following pages.
Polling Network
Many applications require multiple locations to report back to a single access point. One solution is to enter
Command mode, change the transceiver’s destination address and then exit Command mode to resume
normal operation. When it is time to communicate with another transceiver, the process is repeated.
However, this method costs time and reduction in throughput since unnecessary commands are issued. As an
alternative, the Transmit API command can be used to control packet routing on a packet-by-packet basis.
Figure 3: Polling network
The simplest implementation consists of a smart Shared Access Point (SAP) with a microcontroller or
processor that has Transmit API enabled. The SAP controls which transceiver(s) each packet is routed to.
Broadcast packets should be used when all remotes are to receive the same message. Addressed packets
should be used when communication with a single remote only is desired. An example of each is shown in
the following sections.
Addressed Transmit API
To poll radio 1, the SAP transmits the packet using the following format: