Instruction LTC 11 Laing Innotech GmbH + Co. KG Althuette Germany
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So, when the number of connected motors is reduced, the number must be
reduced in the controller through the Wizard or through this Menu item to the
actual number or a smaller number. Then the controller can be operated again.
Press the “up” arrow key 4 times quickly one after another
Reaching the program mode will be confirmed by a sound
The display will now show P01
Press the “up” or “down” arrow key until the display shows P14
Press the “memory one” key shortly to enter the menu
The display now will show P60
Press the “memory one” key shortly to enter this menu
The display will now show the actually set number of motors so a number
between 1 and the maximum number of motors the controller can handle
By pressing the “up” or “down” arrow key the number of motors can be
adjusted. If the automatic motor recognition is activated the number can be
set to one, with the next movement the controller will recognize the actual
number and save it. If the automatic motor recognition is not activated, the
motor number must be set to the actual number.
By pressing the “memory one” key the selected value will be saved
Reset Safety Adapter
The controller can be configured to activate the safety input function
automatically, when the safety adapter is plugged into the Motor 1 connection.
Thereafter the controller will only start the motors when the safety adapter and
the safety devices are connected.
If the controller should operate without safety adapter thereafter, the safety input
function has to be deactivated through the Wizard or this menu item. However,
for safety reasons the automatic recognition will stay active.
Press the “up” arrow key 4 times quickly one after another
Reaching the program mode will be confirmed by a sound
The display will now show P01
Press the “up” or “down” arrow key until the display shows P14
Press the “memory one” key shortly to enter the menu
The display now will show P60
Press the “up” or “down” arrow key until the display shows P61
Press the “memory one” key shortly to enter the menu item
The display will now show the actually set value
By pressing the “up” or “down” arrow key the desired setting can be
“1” Safety adapter active, operation only possible when safety
adapter and safety devices are connected
“2” Automatic recognition of safety adapter active, operation
possible without safety adapter
Press the “memory one” key shortly to confirm the selection
To leave the menu item press the “memory two” key