Laing Innotech GmbH + Co. KG Althuette Germany Instruction LTC 11
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Should the performance of the current based collision detection not be
satisfactory, the use of the GyroSense Collision detection system is
GyroSense based collision detection
The Laing GyroSense Systems provides collision detection between a table and
an obstacle. To enable that, controllers ordered with this option are equipped with
a very sensitive sensor that will sense even the smallest disturbance of the
table’s upward or downward movement.
This system ensures a reliable detection of a collision, as long as, the collision
leads to a very small change in position of the table top.
To sense such a change in position, the GyroSense equipped Controller must be
mounted to the table top. Placing the controller in the crossbar will not work!
Even if the system will sense reliably even very small unusual movements
of the table it cannot be 100% insured that this will avoid injuries of the
table users and persons around the table as also the mechanic of the table
and the environment of the table can cause such injuries! This is why no
liability can be accepted for personal injury or any other damage! It is the
user’s sole responsibility to make sure that personal injury and any other
damage is avoided throughout the operation of the table.
Reference run
At first start up, when the table legs have an uneven height or if the wrong height
is indicated, a reference run is required. For this the reference mode has to be
activated by pushing the down arrow 4 times.
When the reference mode is activated, all legs will move downwards with the
defined reference speed, when the “up” or “down” key is pressed. The
movements are synchronized until the first leg reaches its reference position,
after that the remaining legs will continue moving in the current mode until they
reach their reference position. After that the travel will be set to zero, that means
that the control panel will show the height above the floor. Then the drives move
upwards by the defined bottom margin.
The reference positions can be acquired by:
Hitting the lower stop of the drive
Reaching a middle switch
Reaching a limit switch at the lower end what disconnects the motor
The method how to acquire the reference position must be set in the Wizard.