2. Setup
REVO 1216 Lathe © 2018 Laguna Tools 10/22/2018
Fig L017: ALREVO12 Stand inventory check. (1)
Adjustable height pillars.
Stand Leg.
Tool Organization shelf.
Rubber pads, screws, and washers.
Lathe attachment
bolts and washers.
Bolt/Washers for assembly.
Height constraint screws.
Height Pillar
Main contact point from lath to stand. Allows for adjustable height.
Stand Leg
Sheet Steel constructed stand leg. Has pre-tapped holes to mount (2) machine
lights and the wheel system.
NOTICE: These legs are not the same. You will
notice that the bolt holes that connect the organization shelf are not at the
same height. The lower positioned bolts holes must be front.
Organization Shelf
Adds structural stability to stand. Also holds 13 turning chisels/tools and all
functional set-up tools.
Used on the bottom of the stand legs to minimize vibration.
Lathe Bolts/Washer
Lathe to stand Fasteners.
Assembly Hardware
Height Adjustment fasteners, Shelf to leg fasteners,
Height Constraint Screw
Positions maximum height of lathe stand.
Set-Up Procedure
Tools Needed:
Additional person, Allan Wrench, Phillips head screwdriver, and open
ended wrench.
1. Make sure Lathe is unplugged and cannot be powered on.
2. Install the (4) casters to the (2) stand legs with the (4) caster (Allan head)
screws and washers. The order is stand leg, washer, caster, screw.
3. Identify the left and right legs. On each leg there are four bolt holes for the (3)
shelf to attach. The upper two bolt holes must face the rear of the machine,
the lower two bolt holes must face the front of the work space. The shelf is
then installed so that it is angled towards the operator.
4. Identify the correct orientation of the (3) organization shelf. The shelf should
be positioned such that the lip is not visible -
in Fig L017 the shelf is upside
The intended orientation is such that the largest hole (faceplate
storage) is furthest left and towards the operator. Please see the exploded
parts view for the correct orientation.
5. Fasten the (2) stand legs to the (3) organization shelf. Eight bolts/washers
from the (6) assembly hardware are used. It is always best practice to wait
until the end of the set-up to tighten all screws.
The stand will not be
rigid until it is fastened to the Lath - this is NORMAL. Once the Lathe is
attached and the height is adjusted properly, the lathe will be very rigid.
6. Install the (1) height pillars to the stand legs with the remaining eight
bolts/washers from the (6) assembly hardware. It is always best practice to
wait until the end of the set-up to tighten all screws.
Although it can be
positioned later, this is when the operator should assume the final height of
the lathe. It is much easier to set the height now. Check the dimensions
section to see the spindle height and height range of the stand.
7. Carefully reach into the stand leg and install the (7) height constraint screw
on each height pillar. These screws will prevent the operator from pulling the
lathe out of the stand when adjusting height later on.
8. Using an additional person, place the REVO 1216 Lathe onto the assemble
Do not leave the lathe unattended without the bolts in place.
Once person must focus on holding the position of the lathe while the other
positions the four (5) lathe attachment bolts and washers.
9. Fasten the four (5) lathe attachment bolts and washers.
10. Confirm the height of the lathe, adjust if needed by repositioning one side at a
time and one notch at a time.
11. Tighten down all bolts to firm pressure, about a half turn passed finger tight.
Avoid over tightening.