2. Important information on the subject of blood-pressure and its measurement
2.1 How does high/low blood pressure arise?
• Your blood pressure level is determined in the circulatory center of your brain. Your
nervous system allows your body to adapt or alter blood pressure in response to
different situations. Your body alters your pulse and the width of blood vessels through
changes in muscles in the walls of blood vessels.
• Your blood pressure reading is highest when your heart pumps or ejects blood. This
stage is called your Systolic Blood Pressure.
• Your blood pressure is lowest when the heart rests. (in-between beats) This is
called your Diastolic Blood Pressure.
2.2 Which values are normal?
• Blood pressure is too high if at rest, the diastolic pressure is above 90mmHg and/
or the systolic blood pressure is over 140mmHg. If you obtain readings in this range,
consult your doctor immediately. High blood pressure values over time damage
blood vessels, vital organs such as the kidney and even your heart.
• Should the systolic blood-pressure values lie between 140mmHg and 160mmHg
and/or the diastolic blood-pressure values lie between 90mmHg and 100mmHg,
consult your doctor. Regular self-checks will be necessary.
• When blood-pressure values are too low, i.e. systolic values under 100mmHg and/or
diastolic values under 60mmHg, consult your doctor.
• Even with normal blood-pressure values, a regular self-check with your blood-
pressure monitor is recommended. In this way you can detect possible changes in
your values early and react appropriately.
• If you are undergoing medical treatment to control your blood pressure, please keep a
record of the level of your blood pressure by carrying out regular self-measurements at
specific times of the day. Show these values to your doctor.
Never use the results of
your measurements to independently alter drug doses prescribed by your doctor.