Stock 4X Sample Buffer
4ml glycerol
2ml 2-mercaptoethanol
1.2 g SDS
5ml 4X Stacking Tris
0.03 g Bromophenol blue
Aliquot into 1.5ml microcentrifuge tubes. Store at -20°C.
Membrane Selection
Good binding capacity, proteins bind by hydrophobic interactions
Pore Size
or 22µm
Western Transfer
Amino acid analysis
Microporous membrane modified with strongly basic charged groups
Binds negatively charged macromolecules, DNA or RNA with low background
Size .45µm
Can Re-probe
Southern Transfer
Northern Transfer
Solid phase immobilization
Enzyme immobilization
Gene probe assays
High binding capacity
High hydrophobic binding, solvent resistant
Compatible with protein stains and immunodetection techniques
Pore Size
.45µm or .22µm
Can re-probe
Western Transfer
Protein Sequencing
Amino Acid Analysis
Solid Phase Assay Systems