Stock Solutions for SDS PAGE gels:-
Stock 30% Acrylamide Gel Solution:-
30.0 g acrylamide
0.8 g methylene bisacrylamide
Distilled Water to 100 mL
Stock 4X Resolving Gel Tris (1.5 M Tris
HCl pH8.8, 0.4 % SDS)
To 110 mL Distilled Water add 36.4 g of Tris base
Add 8 mL of 10 % SDS
Adjust pH to 8.8 with 1N HCl
Adjust the final volume to 200 mL with Distilled Water.
Stock 4X Stacking Tris (0.5 M Tris
HCL pH 6.8, 0.4 % SDS)
To 110 mL Distilled Water add 12.12 g of Tris base
Add 8 mL of 10 % SDS
Adjust pH to 6.8 with 1N HCl
Adjust the final volume to 200 mL with Distilled Water
Stock 4X Tris-glycine tank buffer - SDS
36 g Tris base
172.8 g glycine
Distilled Water to 3 L
1X Tris-glycine tank buffer - SDS
750 mL of 4X Tris-glycine tank buffer - SDS
30 mL of 10 % SDS
Distilled Water to 3L
10 % APS (ammonium persulphate solution)
0.1 g ammonium persulphate
1 mL Distilled Water
Note ammonium persulfate degrades quickly in solution.