The idOil Solar will function for at least 6 months without any sunlight. When the idOil Solar
is equipped with a xenon beacon, the operational time will be much less in case of an alarm
(see Xenon beacon below).
Please note that the battery life, and operational time of the idOil Solar depends on many
things, such as the amount of solar energy per day and previous days, temperature, battery
age and the idOil Solar system settings. Operational times presented in this document are
best estimates in particular cases.
3.3.2. idOil-30 Battery Control Unit
The idOil Solar operations are controlled by the idOil-30 Battery or idOil-30 Battery 3G
control unit. The idOil-30 takes care of the low-power system functions, measures
sensor, and controls the flashing beacon and 3G communication functions. The idOil-30
Battery includes a built-in solar panel charge controller, which takes care of the solar panel
and battery charging.
The idOil-30 is an Ex-barrier and power supply unit for the sensors in oil and sand
The idOil-30 Battery 3G version includes a built-in 3G modem and an external 3G antenna.
A separate external antenna is also an option, if signal quality is a problem. The user is able
to set and modify the settings of the device via text messages (SMS).
The idOil-30 operational settings are pre-set at the factory. The factory settings can be
changed via the in-built browser user interface. The browser user interface is accessible via
local WLAN connection between the control unit and a smartphone, tablet or laptop. For
more information, see idOil-30 installation and operating instructions DOC001699.
The display, test button and interfaces of the idOil-30 control unit are described in the
following figure.
1. Local display
2. Test and reset button
3. Lead-through for supply voltage
4. Lead-throughs for relays (2 pcs)
5. Lead-throughs for sensors (3
pcs, blue)
6. 3G antenna (only in 3G version)
Figure 3. idOil-30 Battery - features
Installation and Operating Instructions | idOil Solar