If you do not know the proper information to enter in each of the SMTP fields, consult
your IT personnel or email service provider.
After entering the appropriate information in all the SMTP fields, press the Save button.
The system will check the information entered in each field to make sure each entry is
valid. If one or more invalid entries are found the following message will appear:
– Error connecting to email server, check your settings.
If all the SMTP fields entered are valid but the network connection is not working, or the
ethernet cable is not connected, the following message will appear after pressing the
Save button:
– Network connection is not active.
Test Email
– After the Email Settings and Network Settings have been correctly
entered, pressing this button will send a test email to the selected email address.
Select Alerts
– The type of alerts that will be sent to each individual email
address can be customized. Pressing the Select Alerts button will bring up the
following selection list. Alerts can be selected or deselected by pressing the
check box in front of each alert. Scroll the list up or down by swiping screen up or
down. Alerts for the freeze dryer will be at the top of the list. Alerts for the tray
dryer will appear at the bottom of the list.