Receive errors. Total number of receive errors.
Received frames dropped. Total number of frames received by the NovaRoam’s Ethernet
interface that were discarded.
Unknown protocol received. Total number of frames received by the NovaRoam’s Ethernet
interface with unidentified protocol errors.
Bytes sent. Total number of bytes sent by the NovaRoam’s Ethernet interface.
Unicast frames sent. Total number of single destination (unicast) frames sent from the
NovaRoam’s Ethernet interface.
Non-Unicast frames sent. Total number of non-unicast frames sent from the NovaRoam’s
Ethernet interface.
Transmit errors. Total number of transmit errors. This error is received from the application
device and may indicate a problem with the connected hardware.
Transmit frames dropped. Total number of frames transmitted and then discarded. This error is
received from the application device and may indicate a problem with the connected hardware.
Output queue length. Error received from the application device that may indicate a problem
with the connected hardware.
The ICMP Tab provides the following statistical information regarding the Internet Control Message
ICMP Receive Statistics
ICMP messages received. Total number of ICMP messages received by the radio.
Received messages discarded due to format errors. Total number of ICMP messages
received by the radio which were not delivered due to format errors.
Destination unreachable messages received. Total number of destination unreachable
messages received by the radio. Destination unreachable messages are generated when the
destination address is unreachable
Time exceeded messages received. Total number of messages received by the radio that
exceeded their time to live.
Parameter problem messages received. Total number of parameter problem messages
received. A parameter problem message is sent when an error in an IP header of a datagram is