Firmware Tab
The Firmware Tab is used to upgrade the firmware that is installed on the NovaRoam. The following
parameters can be configured:
File. Use the Browse button to specify the location of the firmware file to be uploaded.
Upgrade. After selecting the firmware file, press the Upgrade button to initiate the firmware
upgrade. The NovaRoam will reboot at the conclusion of the upgrade. Note: the radio should not
be disturbed during the firmware upgrade process.
If a NovaRoam loses power during the firmware upgrade process, the radio will continue to use the
version of firmware that was installed prior to the attempted firmware upgrade.
Shell Tab
The Shell Tab is provided to support advanced integrator troubleshooting and does not play a role in the
configuration of a NovaRoam network.
Statistics Page
The Statistics Page contains several tabs that provide statistical information regarding interface traffic,
protocol data, and routing. This section contains descriptions of each statistic that is available through
the NovaRoam Client Tool.
Ethernet Tab
The Ethernet Tab provides the following statistical information regarding performance of the NovaRoam’s
Ethernet interface.
Bytes received. Total number of bytes received by the NovaRoam’s Ethernet interface. The
bytes received, together with the bytes sent, represent the total data transfer of all
communications links involving the Ethernet interface.
Unicast frames received. Total number of single destination (unicast) frames sent to the
NovaRoam’s Ethernet interface.
Non-Unicast frames received. Total number of non-unicast frames sent to the NovaRoam’s
Ethernet interface.