Instruction Manual
Installation & Operation
Model FA2100 CVR
Jan. 01/03
Rev. 07
Page 17
Engine-driven 115 Vac, 400 Hz Source: If power input is derived directly from an engine-driven
115 Vac, 400-Hz source, (not derived from an AC Inverter), no other external circuitry is necessary.
It is assumed that the engine(s) will stop upon crash impact.
Impact Switch: An impact switch interrupts FA2100 CVR power upon exposure to a predeter-
mined level of g-force. Such switches have limitations, but are effective in high g-force accidents.
This item is not available through Aviation Recorders. (Refer to Appendix C for manufacturer’s
specifications for available models.)
ARINC 757 Shutdown Signal: The FA2100 CVR continuously monitors the ARINC 757 shut-
down signal that can be supplied to the recorder via pin 10 of the rear panel connector. If the air-
craft can no longer sustain flight under its own power, a ground would be applied to pin 10. If this
signal remains “active” for approximately 10 consecutive minutes, recording of data will cease.
The recording will resume if the shutdown signal goes inactive or upon activation of the “Push-to-
Test” function. If the recording is resumed due to execution of the “Push-to-Test,” the recording
will again cease within 10 minutes if the shutdown signal is still active. Refer to section 3.11 of
ARINC 757 for further information.
The following tests and results must be documented in the CVR Installation Checklist and submitted
with the data package for field approval consideration:
Before applying power to the FA2100 CVR System and associated components, verify that all
connections are secure and that a continuity or other interconnect assurance test has been con-
Apply power to the system and activate the FA2100 CVR’s self-test. To activate self-test,
press and hold the green TEST button for a minimum of five seconds.
For installations containing a Model S151/S161, Model S152/S162, or Model S251/S261
Control Unit, the cockpit-mounted TEST lamp illuminates when the FA2100 CVR has passed
the test. (The TEST lamp stays on as long as the TEST button is pressed.)
For installations containing a Model A151B or Model A152B Control Unit, the meter needle
rises and comes to rest in the ‘GO’ (green) section of the meter scale when the FA2100 CVR
has passed the test. (The meter stays in the ‘GO’ section of the meter scale as long as the
TEST button is pressed.)
Speak in a normal voice 6-inches away from the Control Unit microphone while listening in
the headset. Note that you can hear what you say without any delay or significant distortion.
This test ensures that the microphone is operating.
The Portable Interface (PI), Part Number 17TES0043, can be used to individually monitor the
four audio channels as they are being recorded by the FA2100 CVR. The PI is connected to
the FA2100 CVR via a 10-foot cable that is plugged into the FA2100 CVR’s front panel GSE
connector (refer to Figure 6). The PI receives power from the FA2100 CVR. For a descrip-
tion of the PI, descriptions of the menu functions, and PI operation, refer to the Portable In-
terface Operator’s Manual (Part Number 165E1630–00).
Previously recorded information cannot be played back from the FA2100 CVR while it is
installed in the aircraft.